Welcome to this blog. I am a former student of the corrupt Tuskegee University affilited with a group of disgruntled current students. We are all fed up with the administration of Tuskegee University and the treatment of its students. Even though I am a former student, I claim responsibility, therefore if I am exposed, nothing can be done to me or the students that gather information for me.
There are many factors as of why we are disgruntled. The terrible quality of dormitory life (especially for male students), the disgusting cafeteria food. The inefficient and flawed administration that runs the campus, and the corrupt members and students that it employs.
There are benefits to TU however, but the negatives outweigh the positives. Consider this: The current president, Benjamin F. Payton has only renovated or built new buildings in the last years of his term. He's been president of the university for over 30 years. Armstrong Hall (The Biological and Environmental Sciences Hall) was renovated around 1997 (although it seems in a shabby manner, it still seems to be semi-underkept).
Brimmer Hall (Business Building) was built in 2007 and a new hall is in the process of being completed. However, for over decades the business students were housed in a dilapidated building. Logan Hall is currently being renovated...but it has been standing there for ages rotting away. Yet a short time after these events were set into motion Payton decides to retire. Coincidence? I think not.
That's only half of the pie however. Tuskegee has an endowment of $102 Million+, supposedly thanks to Benjamin Payton's "extraordinary leadership". Student tuition for 2009 was $23000+ a year. Seeing as TU is filled with resources, why is it that our dorms and other important buildings look like the projects in Brooklyn?
Let's not discuss the many financial aid issues that Tuskegee loves to inflict upon its students. Many grants and scholarships have "mysteriously vanished" causing great numbers of students to drop out. Money promised to students in the form of scholarships and grants were never paid, promises broken, dreams shattered by this "institution of higher learning". Some students are affected, others are not.
This University tends to use the Tuskegee Experiment and other atrocities committed during the 1900s as a sympathy mechanism. It also uses the fact that it is a National Historic Site as an excuse to make up for its dilapidated buildings. It specializes in illusions. Booker T Washington is worshiped as the founder and main forerunner of this university, even though Lewis Adams was the true actual founder. Would you trust a school that can't even get its own history correct?
The University also loves to use the excuse that students are the reason why buildings are under-kept, therefore the buildings are no fault of its own. This is fine and dandy until you analyze the types of students TU admits. There is an undergaduate student that possess a 13 ACT score and a 2.0 GPA out of High School. Currently his GPA is below a 1.0. However he can still afford the tuition. Tuskegee only cares about money, not the well-being of the students.
Although the University has a large endowment, the dorms are still dilapidated and underkept. Ask yourself where exactly is the cash going? Wherever the cash is going, it's not going to areas where money is needed, such as the renovation of the terrible dorms. President Payton, where is the money going?
The veterinary school is probably the only thing that redeems the image of Tuskegee, as there's no one on the graduate level that has recorded any corruption or inefficient process within it at the moment. However, if the undergraduates are suffering through this terrible university, then no doubt are the grad students. If you are a grad student and you have any information, remember everything is anonymous so send an email. This is a free country and nowhere in the Tuskegee handbook does it prohibit students or former students of exposing its corrupt practices.
Tuskegee University has single-handedly transformed itself from a shining beacon of education in the South into an embarrassment of HBCUs. Many people will view this blog and shun HBCUs entirely. Not all HBCUs are bad, but Tuskegee is extremely flawed and corrupt. Ever since Payton's regime, students have been suppressed from revolting or publicly complaining of their plight. The student government association was even disbanded in the 90s personally by
Benjamin Payton for revolting against the University's corrupt practices. It was reinstated many years later, but with reduced powers and responsibilities.
Sorry Payton, but you can not silence the anonymous powers of the internet. We do not seek to destroy the University. We DO seek that students needs are met for once, and that corruption is thrown out. Until then, we encourage those who plan on applying/attending to enroll at Tuskegee to reconsider and change schools, and those who are students to transfer. We are paying the money, therefore we speak through our dollars. We demand to be heard.
Pictures speak volumes more than text, therefore a team of students have gathered images and are still in the process of gathering more. Feel free to send images of your own to the email listed below if you are a student with image information.
This blog serves to inform the uninformed. Those blinded by the promises and the glory that the University showers upon itself to gain enrollment. Staff members who are corrupt and found to be corrupt WILL be exposed publicly.
If you are a student and you are wronged in ANY way, feel free to send an email to tuskegeeexposed@gmail.com. Your responses will be anonymous and we may decide to publish your story on our blog. Every story and fact that we can expose about this corrupt HBCU counts! No worries, your name will be withheld and we may edit elements of your messages to ensure that you have the maximum amount of anonymity possible