Thursday, February 18, 2010

$5000 tuition increase, more issues raised.

When one pays a high price for a service, one expects the highest quality and care from that particular service.

In regards to education, depending on the price, one expects a quality education with quality facilities to aid in that education, and fulfilling collegiate experiences.

When that education is privatized, these standards are normally held much higher than public schools.

However, there is a serious problem when public schools offer much more than a private school, not just in one factor, but in many.

Thus lies the problem with Tuskegee University. Tuskegee makes its money by enticing students with it's name and past prestige, enamoring students with glamorized college tours, while masking its many flaws until it is too late. It has the audacity of comparing itself as the "Black Version of the Ivy League school", when it is everything short of a public school, and centuries away from an Ivy Leaguer of any type.

Let's bring up some issues. Why are all the dorms suffering from molding issues, and why isn't there any money allocated to the renovation of the dormitories? Or any monies allocated to the building of more?

Why is there a honors dorm for all girls (White), stocked with computer labs and full of other amenities, such as study rooms, but there isn't one for boys? In fact, there isn't a computer lab at all in any of the male dorms. There are dorms with their own bathrooms for the ladies in certain dorms such as Sage, but everyone else is sacked with community bathrooms which are subject to feces in the shower and other immature and disgusting acts. Yes, we did say feces in the shower. This was a major issue in Younge, Adams, and Olivia Davidson.

Why aren't corrupt staff members held accountable for their actions?

Why does the university refuse to do extensive background checks on those they hire? Lt. Moon was a prime example. Lt. Moon was in charge of the police force at Tuskegee University. A month after the fall 2009 semester started, it was discovered that he was raping high school students at the near-by high-school.

Now, if this man was preying on High Schoolers, there's a possibility that people like him would prey on unsuspecting and often naive freshmen that come to this embarrassing and deplorable institute every year. Would you want to send your daughter to a school that is known for employing rapists on its books?

That is a side tangent however, irrelevant, but still important to bring up. Let us bring up other issues with this school that costs $24000 a year to attend. We received a particular email from a student, and we want to share it with you all. It has been modified to maintain anonymity.

"I live in the emerys and there is mold in my room, paint peeling and leaks. This is simply unacceptable. I feel like if I would have gone to another HBCU with a less prestigious name, I'd have better living facilities. Also, the school's unwillingness to cater to the wide range of student diets is puzzling to me. I'm a sophomore, and since I've been here basically the only thing I can eat everyday is a turkey burger and french fries, because I don't eat beef, pork, or very many diary products.
That's just the room and board problems, I think the bigger problem is the education I'm receiving. As a biology major, I would have thought I'd be doing amazing experiments that will actually help my life work, but instead I'm stuck in a genetics lab counting black and white beans, while other schools are doing more in depth labs that will prepare them for medical school and beyond. Makes no sense at all.

If there's anything I can do to help you, please let me know. Its time for Tuskegee to stop pretending to be excellent and actually become it."
The bolded part for emphasis, this email raises a lot of issues. For $24000 a year, you are basically going to a community college instead of a University that prepares you for your career. Instead of receiving in-depth training on the field you're going to, you're getting a half-assed education. So if you go to grad school, you'll be behind the other students who were more prepared by going to public universities or other schools that were not substandard. 
Ouch Tuskegee, Benjamin Payton, instead of embezzling funds from the University's endowment and resting on your "accomplishments", why not do something about this? 

What about the security problems? Many students on campus brag about having firearms in their dorm. It has been reported to us by many students concerned by their safety that the administration seems to refuse to do anything about this. They have been reported, yet they're still on campus. Security isn't called in, dorms aren't searched, nothing.  

What about the Tuskegee locals? Benjamin Payton was prided at a convocation for replacing the fence around the campus (like a fence is really that important to pride yourself over, big deal). However, dangerous locals still sneak on campus and harass students, even robbing them at key locations on campus. (Such as the Valley, near dorms, etc.) These locals are armed with weaponry obviously, such as firearms and knives, yet security doesn't seem to care. They've been observed not even completing patrols and just letting any old person in. ID or not, no one really cares. 

What about the tuition increase? It has been reported that because of the new president coming in, tuition will spike by $5000. Which would make tuition float about $29000 to $30000. It is possible that this is only a rumor, but based on the amount of sources that this is coming from, it's pretty significant. 

Let us bring up another point. A few students have noted that Auburn University likes to recruit students from Tuskegee University. It's pretty obvious as to why. Another one noted that Auburn has everything (such as better dorms, a 24 hour cafe with plenty of selections, a shuttle, in depth classes and labs, etc.) because "the white people complain". Is it that black students are sated with mediocrity? While mining social networks, a few students seem to even be brainwashed that "long lines, power outages, and faxing stuff 3 or 4 times (inaccurate filing) are part of the HBCU experience". This is sad on many levels and unacceptable. 

A school that is charging $24000 for tuition, room and board should NOT be riddled with power outages, inaccurate paperwork filing, and inaccurate clerical processes that leads to long lines. What's even more of an insult is that these students believe that the Tuskegee name has power. Not only is this a clear example of the common black student's attitude of mediocrity, it also shows the propaganda that Tuskegee uses in order to keep students in check. You're saying that because of George Washington Carver and LEWIS ADAMS (the original founder of Tuskegee) and the Airmen, that gives the school the excuse to be mediocre? It seems that the black student has his/her priorities screwed up, and this is the type of attitude that sets blacks as a race backwards instead of forward. 

The student that complains about the content of her labs is an intelligent one, the student that thinks the HBCU experience being mediocre is acceptable is an idiot. Sadly, Tuskegee is riddled with idiots about, and the intelligent ones are the rare ones. It is no wonder that most students transfer out to schools such as Auburn, it is because these schools have more opportunities and actually care about its students, unlike Tuskegee and its corrupt administration such as Benjamin Payton. This is why this blog is anonymous instead of publicly active. Benjamin Payton oppressed and silenced the students long ago, suppressing any uprisings in the 90s. The average student could not complain, only transfer.

The worse part is most credits from Tuskegee have problems transferring, and Tuskegee denies most credits transferred to it, in order to make more money and to delay more students from graduating, so it can make even more money from another year of tuition. 
For $24000 a year, plus money from the government and other corporations, why is it that these buildings have not been renovated again? Oh that's right, Benjamin Payton is too busy lining his own Swiss bank accounts. The school deserves to be audited by the federal government. These questions need to be answered.

If Tuskegee possessed the attitude that it attempted to project, it would surpass schools such as Harvard. However, because of the terrible, inefficient and corrupt administration, it is centuries behind and will never be anything more than an expensive poor corrupt black school for coloreds out in the country.

We recommend that you do not apply to Tuskegee, and if you're an unfortunate student, to transfer. Tuskegee is not worth the money, it is only a waste of your money, time, and mental stability.

We  were recently featured by HBCU Digest. We would like to thank the editor of the publication for featuring us in their newsletter.

We also welcome your complaints and photos at Got a problem with administration? Your RA? Your dorm? Cafe food made you sick? Tuskegee local tried to rob you? Got mold on your ceiling? We want to hear and write about it! Drop us a line.

More pictures, plus an inside tour of Younge Hall



See the entire album at

It has been nearly a month since the last few posts. We apologize for the absence, but of course other commitments tend to take up time. However we have quite a lot of ground to cover so allow us to explain the collage here. Most of the upperclassmen dorms for ladies were well-kept, exterior-wise. Therefore they weren't included in this post (even though they are on the album). However, this does not mean they are immaculate, as we have no one that has supplied us photos on the inside of those dorms. Anyone that would like to should email us photos at
However, most of the freshman dorms for females are terrible. Adams and Olivia Davidson are prime examples. We could not get good photos on Olivia Davidson, so this is why those appear to be so distant and blurred. However, those dorms are in the same conditions as the male dorms.

We also take you to the Wilcox buildings. These buildings are underkept buildings that are in disrepair and falling apart. In fact, most of them are used as landfills with shelter. One of the buildings is that are shown is where the University Press meets and prints out the campus newspaper. This building is in terrible condition and is not fit to host a newspaper crew. 

We then briefly illustrate you to the type of building that the Bursar, Provost, President, and other administrative facets are located in. Because of the dark lighting you cannot see much, but even this building is underkept. It seems that the "illustrious" Benjamin F. Payton can't keep his own workplace looking decent.

We then take you on an inside tour of Younge Hall, which is reported as the "best" male freshman dorm on campus. As you can see, it's not so great. We take you through dilapidated study rooms, disgusting community bathrooms, and an underkept small lounge. Would you be willing to have your son withstand these prison-like conditions? Let's not count the unlicensed elevator. That elevator has been broken a couple of times, and students have been trapped in it many other times. In the state of Alabama it is required to list the registration of an elevator once it is licensed inside it. This particular one does not have any type of registration period. Tuskegee can't even keep its legal priorities in check.

One thing that makes us wonder is the amount of asbestos levels that are present in these housing facilities. It's no surprise that students tend to get sick at high rates in these dorms. Yet there seems to be no one that cares enough to do an inspection or a proper renovation.